Case Studies
Heathrow Cycle Hub
At BSFG, we are pioneering the way for enhanced security cycle hubs.
Project Details
Our latest project is this striking hub for Staff Bike Parking at Heathrow Airport as part of the massive Main Tunnel Refurb Project. Completed and opened at the end of July, this is our first Airport project, having already firmly established ourselves in other avenues of public travel across the country!
Heathrow Airport Cycle Hub is a part of the Airport dedicated to promote sustainable travel options and support the thousands of staff at the airport who choose to cycle into work. They required extra cycle storage due to the re- furbishment of the main tunnel at Heathrow which has meant cyclists can now avoid cycling through the main tunnel by simply parking their bike at the cycle hub and taking the bus from the adjacent bus-stop to various locations around this extensive airport. The decision for Heathrow Cycle Hub providing this shelter was the option favoured by the sustainable cycle team.
The Cycle Hub wanted to provide Staff with a high-security, covered cycle storage system and opted for this 122 space two-tier system in a bespoke, opaque-walled building with our specialist key fob entry system, security lighting and CCTV.
The key fob system is one of our simple but effective security options. Each member of staff wishing to use the new system will have their own fob ensuring that access is restricted to staff only. For added security, we also installed CCTV cameras and security lighting so the airport’s cyclists can assuage any anxieties over storing their bikes for long or short lengths of time at the world’s busiest airport.
To add a more personalised touch to the new shelter, we designed the advertising on the hub to match the rest of Heathrow Airports Cycle Hub branding.