Breaking up the outdated University Campus

Posted on 18th January 2022

Breaking up the outdated University Campus

Encouraged to spend more time outside due to Covid 19, we now need to make better use of our educational spaces, we need trees lining our campuses, and plants in our eye line.

Green spaces among our university spaces help mitigate the harmful mental health issues. Human activity and recreational areas within our university campus generates well being among our cold steel structures.

Planning and planting to create mini green spaces is a vital step in making our campus areas healthier. Small pockets of planting can create flourishing ecosystems in an otherwise man-made environment. 

ADP Architecture’s landscape team specified High Performance Concrete (HPC) benches for a new plaza space outside the WMG building at the University of Warwick. WMG (formerly known as Warwick Manufacturing Group) is an academic department at the University. It is a centre that provides research and education in STEM subjects: engineering, manufacturing and technology. It is the leading international role model for the successful collaboration between academia and the public and private sectors.

The requirement was for a selection of differing seating designs all using the same selection of materials. It was important for the aesthetic to be cohesive. High performance concrete benches were selected, with a reconstituted granite finish. Timber toppers provided a fresh, modern look and the bench designs complemented the campus architecture.

Street Furniture has a huge impact on the way people use educational and outdoor spaces such as parks, town squares, public gardens, office blocks, and even car parks.

If you can’t find anything that matches your requirements, get in touch for something designed to fit your space. Our experienced in-house design specialists are on hand to craft the perfect bespoke solution for your needs. We can provide a full package from design to installation

For more information on the Bailey Street Furniture Group please contact their team on 01625 322888 or email . To view the company’s range of high quality street furniture visit their website

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